New Logo (with more to come)!
Greetings, friends! I come to you today with a brand new logo/header/social media icon I have recently created for my website.
Previously, my logo was of a photo I took of roses (that grow, yearly, in my backyard) and now it is this autumn, free flowing, wavey design. If you follow me on Instagram, many of you will know that I have had a thing for half circles in the past. Now the main reason why I'm into half circles is because you continue to add more half circles within the half circle it'll end up looking like a wavey sea. I love that look and I have been wanting to design a new logo that expressed that other artistic side of me for a while. The inspiration really hit me when I was reading a post on Buzzfeed about what books I might want to read if I enjoyed reading such and such book in high school (which, by the way, my high school reading curriculum really lacked in variety - really wish we read more books). One book that struck me was a novel by Ben Marcus, "The Flame Alphabet." The design of the cover of that book was so beautiful and I thought, "Hey! I can design something similar, but instead of triangles, I will use half circles and do my waves."
So that's what I did. I picked some autumn colors, and colors I feel would really mesh well with the vibe I'm going for I'm on my website. I am a relaxed person, by nature. I love warm colors and simple designs, so when I designed my new logo based off that inspiration. I really wanted the logo to reflect my personality. I am definitely someone who can go with the flow, but I am also someone who is warm and takes chaos and can organize it to a beautiful look. I could go more into detail about my personality and how I apply my work ethic to projects, but I want to leave you with this: Yes, I'm relaxed, warm, can go with the flow, I'm a crashing wave wanting to be a part of something wholesome and beautiful, I love simplicity and how strong that simple, modern, clean design can shout out a meaningful message. That's who I am.
Anywho! I'm excited for new projects that are coming your way. I have a lot of scanning and vectoring to do, but it'll be well worth it. But you can see what I'm up to on Instagram, in regards to my illustrations and watercoloring, and even some of my photos which will be featured on my future blog posts, photography section of my portfolio, and even my 500px.
I will leave with a graphic I made today. I was, again, inspired by something I saw the other day on Facebook which was a word of the day. The word was "kopfkino." Which is a German word for "head cinema." I thought the definition of it was beautiful, the word, itself, was beautiful and I had to design my own creative interpretation of the word. I am a very imaginative and visual person. I wanted to create something that I saw in my own head. It was freeing and clean. It was elegant, leaving room for a larger imagination.